Hey International Law Students, We've Got Your Back

I have recently shipped my SexyMnemonics Law flashcards to Germany, Japan, and Canada (shout out World War II fans). What's really exciting about this development is that I have always thought that this product could be an awsome study tool for LLM, English Second Language (ESL), and international law students. And the reasons are kinda obvious - good pictures, funny sentences, straight black letter law, and they come in an easy to flip flashcard format.

Back in undergraduate college, I spent a year as a Resident Advisor in the dorms and I oversaw the Foreign/ESL students from South America, Asia and Europe. To practice and learn English, they would watch Disney cartoons and read comics like Peanuts and Calvin and Hobbs. Then back when I was working for an international company and we were working with the Italian Air Force, our Team would get together and listen to beautiful classic Italian songs like Nel Blu Dipinto Di Blu ("VOLARE") and 'O Sole Mio to help us learn some basic Italian before our customer trips to Rome and Turin. Heck, now that I think about it, before I studied abroad in Australia, my Dad and I would watch the Crocodile Hunter together to learn how to speak "Australian" (RIP Steve Irwin).

The idea was all the same though. For complex subjects, whether it be a second language or American Law, it's always best to reduce those complex subjects down to simple, small, breakable parts and then build your way up. And if you can do that in a fun format and enjoyable manner then you've got a better chance to retain that information. I think that we all have a playful and curious side and we have enjoyed tapping into that. 

And that's what SexyMnemonics Law is all about. We are creative, we are fun, we are about learning. And now that we have gone International, I am feeling like every other nervous and excited parent watching their kids travel for the first time to a foreign land. Please write and bring me back a souvenir! K, love you.






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