About The Author
My name is Daniel Levesque. That’s the back of my head on the main page staring out at the Himalayas (and trying to look deep in thought, for some reason). I’m a business attorney, entrepreneur, traveler and casual runner from Southern California. In my legal practice, I mostly work with start-up businesses as a corporate lawyer. I’m also married to a lovely brunette and together we have some awesome experiences. When I’m not thinking about SexyMnemonics and helping students become lawyers, I enjoy whiskeys, Apple products, noir fiction, and late night Netflix.
If you want to get in touch with me, I can be found at daniel@sexymnemonics.com or you can visit my business law happenings at www.lawquity.com.
Thanks again for visiting this website, and I wish you the best of luck in your Law Exams. I really do mean that!
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