LawQuity Holdings Inc (creator of "Sexy Mnemonics Flashcards") was started by a young-ish attorney and a passer of the mother of all bar exams, the California Bar Exam. Our story takes place in three countries and involves a yak.
Here's why he started the Sexy Mnemonics Flashcards (in his own very long words):
Frustration. After I passed the California Bar Exam, my wife and I went to Thailand for 6 weeks to decompress and reflect on the next steps. At the beach bungalow, I experienced and felt all the natural feelings associated with passing a difficult, life-changing exam: pride, humility, relief, happiness, gratitude (and a slight beer buzz). I then starting thinking about all the Bar Exam studying tools that I used and all I kept seeing was this never ending stack of boring, dull, black and white, mind-numbing studying tools. Wow, there had to be something that didn't want to make me pass out, right? I wanted to remember something cool and fun during this long journey that had culminated in such an amazing ending. But I couldn’t. All I saw in my head was boring and more boring. That’s what I saw because that was all that existed and all I was permitted to study from. Don't get me wrong, I understand and appreciate the concept of hard work and traditional methods, but did it really all have to be so dull and uncreative?
I thought longer (and with a slighter better buzz): Isn’t it tough enough that these complex legal concepts are difficult to comprehend and memorize, but can't we at least have a little fun while studying? Until now, the answer was no.
Simplicity. About two months later, I was solo-hiking the Annapurna Circuit in the Nepal Himalayas. There's something incredibly rewarding about the solitude and simplicity of hiking in the Himalayas, where you start in the morning with a hot cup of masala chai and then walk for miles and miles with kind strangers, soaking in the towering mountain views above and the panoramic valley views below, before checking into a tea guesthouse ran by the friendly locals. However, during the long walks, those questions about the law school studying tools were still hanging around in my head. When did the studying tools become so boring - was it high school, college, or grad school? Could I actually write a better study guide? Why didn't anybody tell me that yak cheese was awesome? I chewed on these questions (and the cheese) over the next couple weeks while enjoying the simple hiking routine. I wanted to create and design a simple product that I wish I had during Law School and for Bar Exam preparation, but I had no idea where and how to start, nor did I think I was qualified to create something.
It all changed when I was listening to some classical music during a simple morning hike. After a tough climb, I took a break and was watching a herd of yaks playing. It was one of those peaceful moments that stays with you long after the actual moment - sore legs, countryside views, feelings of gratitude, yaks in their natural element. During this moment, I was also enjoying the heck out of this one random classical song. That song playing in my earbuds was Nocturne op.9 No.2 by Frederic Chopin and I became curious about its origin and creator. Googling later that evening, I found the following interesting quote attributed to the artist: "Simplicity is the final achievement. After one has played a vast quantity of notes and more notes, it is simplicity that emerges as the crowning reward of art." I reread this over and over and this immediately became my inspiration and mantra for designing the company that was slowly forming in my head. Simplicity. Repetition. Art.
Disruption. Now that I had some general direction and some Himalayan motivation ... I thought about the simplest way to study. I thought about alternative learning techniques. I thought about the essential legal knowledge and eliminating the waste. I thought about the importance of laughing and being entertained. I thought about all of this while exploring Mayan temples, cenotes and beaches in Mexico's Yucatan peninsula. And what I came up with was "Sexy Mnemonics" - a revolutionary and disruptively simple study guide concept using the essential knowledge, clever mnemonics and rememberable pictures. I then started to put my team together to bring this idea to life - an artwork illustrator, legal researcher, flashcard designer, packaging consultant.
When I looked around at what was available and as the flashcards slowly came into focus, I was surprised and excited to discover that nothing like this Flashcard product exists on the open market. It became very obvious, and very quickly that this "Sexy Mnemonics" study guide concept was different, fresh, necessary and I dedicated my energies to making it available for the student who wants to study like an adult. With the company formed and first project completed, I look forward to providing you with a great learning experience and to hear about your future successes.