Group studying in law school is back in a major way. Obviously we all studied in groups when we were five years old and crushed those naps and coloring assignments together. And then for most students, the group studying cooperation...
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Mistakes were made. I underestimated how awsome Bar Exam preppers are, I underestimated how much future lawyers are ready to dominate the world, and I ran out of product. I take full responsibility for running out of SexyMnemonics Law flashcards...
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With SexyMnemonics Law Flashcards, I now get to work hard for an underrepresented, underserved minority community out there. I won't call myself a hero, but I also won't argue with you if you call me a hero. Humble. Incredible! Minority groups...
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I have talked about failure before. Here, most recently in fact. The Failure Museum, currently on exhibit in Hollywood, was an interesting experience. It is a reminder that failure is ok, that it happens all the time, to everyone. Especially...
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And there's 113 pictures in this Flashcard set. Incredible! So let's say that the pictures alone are worth 113,000 words. I am not sure how much a word costs, but on Wheel of Fortune a single vowel costs a contestant $250....
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